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Experts Panel


Hire Powers is dedicated to finding a job for every single person who desires a job!

  • What does “pay what you can mean?""
    Simply put, if you find a job and can donate to our cause we welcome your donations, whether it’s $20, $200, or $2000, no donation will go to waste.
  • Who are you serving?
    Everyone. We believe that all people deserve a job they can not only use to support themselves but one they can be proud of, a job where they can wake up every single day and not have to dread going to work. Wherever you may come from, we will do our very best to help and support you.
  • Are you a staffing agency?
    No. Staffing agencies operate on a fee-based scale, typically 20% or more of an employees annual salary or 15-20% of their hourly rate. We ask for a good-faith effort from employers to donate 5 hours of volunteer time to screening/interviewing.
  • Do I have to currently be laid-off/furloughed to use your services?
    Short answer- Yes. There are hundreds of thousands of individuals right now that need our help and only a handful of us, as such, we have to priortize those individuals. As we continue to grow we hope to be able to provide volunteer services to the masses so that not only are people employed but they are employed in jobs they are passionate about. We assess every candidate individually so please reach out to us and we can advise if we can help or not.

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